ResourceMate® Family of Products Changelog

4.1.17 Changes - Features, Enhancements and Bug fixes:

Build Date: June 27, 2024

   Released: June 28, 2024

Consult this online document for full details about the release

4.1.16 Changes - Features, Enhancements and Bug fixes:

Build Date: April 22, 2024

   Released: April 23, 2024

Consult this online document for full details about the release

4.1.15 Changes - Features, Enhancements and Bug fixes:

Build Date: Feb 7, 2024

   Released: Feb 7, 2024

Consult this online document for full details about the release


4.1.14 Changes - Features, Enhancements and Bug fixes:

Build Date: May 1, 2023

Released: May 2, 2023


Consult this online document for full details about the release


4.1.13 Changes - New Features - Fixes [Release Date: April 13th, 2022]

**It is important that you reboot your computer after applying this update**

New Features

Web OPAC Synchronization Process   

This update's main feature is a complete rewrite of the Web OPAC Synchronization process.  While most of this is transparent to you, it is an extremely important process.  Speed of the Initial Data Synchronization is the most noticeable result.  This has been greatly increased while still ensuring that your Web OPAC data remains encrypted.

Item Cover Image (Web OPAC)               

Items now have a separate field for Cover Image. This new field will eliminate discrepancies between cover images in ResourceMate and the corresponding image in Web OPAC; whatever is added to the Cover Image field in the ResourceMate item will now display as the cover image in Web OPAC.

NOTE: This new feature is described in detail in an Online Document specific to this release.

Item Grid - Web OPAC tab                         

There is a new Web OPAC tab on the Item Grid.  This contains the new Cover Image as well as the previous Web OPAC fields that were on the Additional tab

Item Subject - Editing Existing                  

When clicked, a new button on the Item Subjects tab labled [Simple Subjects Editor] will display a form containing a list of all subjects linked to an item. Edits can be made to any or all of them on this form.  Existing subject entries can be removed and new ones added. Each line on the form is a separate subject.  No edit rules or dropdown lists are used on this form; it allows for edits similar to those in the Subjects tab prior to Importing from ISBN Retrieval.

New Item Field - Year Published           

A new field [Year Published] has been added; this is numeric field.  An attempt is made to assign this value from the [Date Published] field when the Update script runs to update the database to So will the Import process from an ISBN Retrieval.  If the new date can't be update automatically, you can input the year of publication in this new field manually.  You can capture this field in a listing report and it will be used in future enhancements.

Clear Fine and Payments Utility            

A new "Utilities > System Utilities > Clear all Fine and Payment Records" menu selection will allow you to delete all fine and payment history anytime you wish. However, once the utility has been run, the data can only be recovered by restoring a backup.


Status Bar Information                               

A new Status bar cell has been changed to display your site's 'Support Ends' date, as well as all products added on to your database, This information appears on a "Super Tips" screen that now appears when you hover your mouse pointer over the cell.

Serial Number is in the program caption          

The "Super Tips" screen that appears when you hover your mouse pointer over the database cell on the Status Bar has been enhanced. It now displays the Build number, Serial Number and the physical database name. The latter no longer appears on the status bar.

Submit a Ticket for Support or a Suggestion      

There is a better label now to identify the Radio button option between the purpose of the Ticket - Support or a Suggestion.

Generating New Label Set - Default      

The Print Item Labels > Generate New Label Set funtion will now always default to the "Print Switches" selection method. Previously, a subsequent run would 'remember' the selection method of the previous run and potentilly including all items in the new label set.

Update Item Barcode Utility                     

Now the utility will allow you to scan in items rather than just load from a file of barcodes. As well, the program will now remove any spaces from barcode numbers as they are scanned into the input field.

Bug Fixes                                                          

Reserves - Assign Items                              

After scanning an item that was available to fill a Pending Reserve, there was a dialog that said the item was not available.  This has been fixed and now this does not appear.   Note: previously you were able to continue as the message was displayed in error only.

Resource Type Change in Items            

If the Resource Type is changed in an item, the system will now apply the same change to all associated records in the Circulation table.

Patron Group Grid                                        

[Add to Group] Utility fixed.  Patron list is correctly displaying now.

Fine and Payment in Family View           

Previously, the form only permitted a one digit entry in the case of a Family view.  This has been fixed.


4.1.12 Changes - New Features - Fixes [Release Date: July 21, 2021]

New Feature:

It's back up! The software will now permit an upload of ResourceMate backup files to our server once a month, or upon request by ResourceMate Support for the purposes of analysis. This feature can be launched from the “File > Send Backup File to FTP” menu selection. This new process replaces the older, broken  Offsite Backup web page. See this online document for more information.


"Plus > Utility to Update Items by Barcode" - Can now accept scannning barcodes directly into the utility rather than only allowing them to be loaded in from a file, avoiding the intermediary step of first scanning the barcodes into a text file, saving the text file, then having to populate the list of items to update / delete by loading in the file.

Self Circulation – The “Invalid Patron” message that displays when Patron credentials are not correctly entered will now time out and disappear after three seconds. Patrons will no longer need to click on “OK” on the warning dialog to permit another attempt to sign in.

Bug Fixes:

Printing Labels and Cards - Offsetting adjustments to the printout of Item labels, Barcode Labels or Catalog Cards and made by using the “Adjust Top/Left Margins” buttons at the bottom of the respective print program screens will NOT be permanently recorded. To make such adjustments permanent, they must be made in the respective Templates directly, either by selecting "Reports > Template Definitions", or by clicking on the "Access Templates" button on the respective print program forms.

Reserve Grid -  Reserve requests cannot be set to “Waiting” if the items they refer to are not available for loan in the database.

Change Utility 'Step 3': The Lookup dropdown input field will now accept more than one character.

“Help > Submit a Ticket for Support or [a] Suggestion”: Navigation has been enhanced to allow operators to input into any field on the form without having to first complete other areas of the form. For example, the type of submission changed using to “Suggestion” without having first to fill in a Subject. 

"Plus > Export to MARC" will now output properly-formatted Accession Dates, as opposed to blanks

"Patron Activities > Check In" form: Operators are now no longer able to bypass security restrictions that should have prevented them from overriding the check in date on this grid. 

"Circulation > Reserve Grid":  

  • When launched, now defaults to displaying Reserves in status "Pending" and "Waiting"; 
  • Sometimes, the incorrect title would appear across the top; 
  • The Search Panel did not indicate that only Pending and Waiting records we being displayed.  These have all been fixed. 

4.1.11 Changes - New Features


You must upgrade to the edition of ResourceMate to continue to feed information to Web OPAC.

The enhanced synchronization features described below require us to upgrade the corresponding mechanisms on our servers. When we do this, customers who continue to use older versions will no longer be uploading database changes from ResourceMate to their Web OPACs. All database changes made with older versions will still remain in the upload queue. These will be uploaded when their editions have been upgraded to

  • The data synchronization process has been improved to ensure that the data available on your Web OPAC is 100% reflective of the data in your ResourceMate. This will ensure that a much higher percentage of items in Web OPAC bear a front cover image. 
  • Changes made to any items’ copies in ResourceMate will now be reflected in Keyword Searches in Web OPAC. 


  • You can now change the status of a Reserve from “Pending” to “Waiting” directly on the “Circulation > Reserves” Detail form. To do so, select the relevant record on the Circulation > Reserves grid, then click on the “Detail” tab and press the button labeled “Change to Waiting”;
  • Any changes made to customize the “Show List of all Copies of this item” grid on an Item’s “Details > Copy” menu will now be retained the next time that ResourcMate is launched again;
  • The Reports Gallery > “Circulation History > Check Out Count by Patron” report now includes a count of the total number of Patron records included.  Caveat: if you have made any customizations to this report, they will not be retained. In this case, you will need to contact ResourceMate support for assistance;
  • The preference for warning that a ResourceMate backup hasn’t been run for N days has been turned on for all customers.  We have received too many calls from customers who experienced a catastrophic data failure and who have no backup because they hadn’t been running one. If you really don’t need the reminder, you can use the Utilities > Preferences > General form to turn the feature off again;
  • Patron Activities will now start in the Patron Lookup dropdown field in the event that you have indicated that you are not using barcodes for patrons in the “Plus > Barcode Setup”;
  • In the Extended edition, a new preference can be activated that will skip the check of Extended Circulation rules for renewal requests from Web OPAC;
  • In the Extended edition, “Patron Activities” program, the process to check violation of extended circulation rules will occur when moving from the Check In to the Check Out form, if the “Special Processing for Check In/Renew…” checkbox is checked in the “Patron Activities > Preferences > Check In” form. 


  • In the Extended edition, should patrons have requested in Web OPAC to renewal of an item on loan, the request would trigger an automatic Email approving the request, but with an incorrect “Expected Back” date;
  • ISBN Retrieval was not automatically assigning an Item Multimedia image if one was found


ResourceMate changes

This is a maintenance release published on October 29, 2020.

New Features:

  • Web OPAC allows for automatic approval of Patron Renewal and Reserve Requests.  The product will prompt you to set initial values for these options when launched post-update;
  • Report of Pending Reserves that have Items that are available (on the shelf).  This report will can be printed and use to retrieve books that have Pending Reserves.  This report will have # of Pending Reserves and then the copies that are available - see discussion on page 55 of the Web OPAC Admin Guide,
  • Process to change Pending Reserve to Waiting for items that are on the shelf (not checked out);
  • Google Books is now being searched for Book Images via the ISBN Retrieval process;
  • Web OPAC - Items that are indicated via lookups to not be able to Check Out will be transferring this attribute to Web OPAC for display in the Circulation Status field (used in Copy Information Grid);
  • Direct button to Add Item Multimedia from Clipboard;
  • The Offsite Storage of Automatic Backups was timing out after 10 minutes.  This would lead to an incomplete file being stored on our side.  Please check the History Log and verify the last successful Offsite Transfer.
  • Lost Item Processing form will now automatically assign the Item status to Lost as a default.
  • Barcode Update Utility now has a progress indicator.


  • Some installations with Web OPAC had previously processed Patron Requests get switched back to being Unprocessed.  This update addresses the issue;
  • Removal of Amazon from the ISBN Retrieval process due to policy change at Amazon;
  • Batch ISBN - ISBN was not working due to Amazon;
  • Step by Step Item Add Wizard – ISBN Retrieval not working was not working due to Amazon.

ResourceMate changes

This is a maintenance released on May 12, 2020.

We recommend that you update your local copy of ResourceMate during our regular Support hours, Monday – Friday 9AM to 5PM,  Eastern North American time. Although every effort has been made to test updates thoroughly before they are released, they CAN fail and such failures have the potential to render your copy of ResourceMate unusable.

If you do NOT have Web OPAC this update can be skipped!

If you have Web OPAC and you allow your Patrons to make Requests for Reserves or Renewals, this update is critical.

New Features:

  • For Web OPAC, all Patron Requests were not being downloaded - the process would only download one and then update all as being downloaded.
  • Created a Status Bar indicator to display the number of records that have not been sent to Web OPAC.   These records are normally sent every 4 minutes after you have created new items or have done circulation activities.   Overtime this count should be zero.   This will allow confirmation that Web OPAC synchronizations are being sent to our cloud server.  This count is refreshed automatically every 60 seconds. 


  • IsMasterCopy - when adding a new Multicopy Item, an exception would sometimes occur.
  • Corrected a problem on the Items Grid that was preventing the proper retention of  the “Featured Item” setting when checked.

How to report a problem:

Please use the Help > Submit a Ticket for Support, or Suggestion menu selection and submit a suggestion, or send an Email to

ResourceMate changes

  • This is a maintenance release only, released on March 24, 2020.
  • NB - This version requires the installation of the Microsoft .NET Framework Runtime, at a MINIMUM of version 4.6.2. All .NET versions, including the most recent, can accessed by using a web browser to navigate to the following Microsoft web page: If you feel obliged to continue the use of the Windows 7 operating system contrary to Microsoft’s [and our] recommendations, we recommend that you restrict the update to the 4.6.2 version of .NET and that you reboot your computer BEFORE attempting to download and install the .NET update. If you already have the required version installed on your computer, the updater will so advise you, and permit you to stop.


  • Recently, Amazon implemented major changes to the Application Programming Interface (API) used by outside vendors to access their data.  This required a complete rewrite of those sections of the relevant ResourceMate program logic.  Further, Amazon has also restricted the functionality of this new interface. We can still acquire book cover images during ISBN Retrieval.  However, “Product Description” is no longer available to us. Amazon has imposed a further restriction, encountered if you use Library Search against their database; a maximum of 100 items will be returned and their display of these results will be limited to 10 items per page. 
  • The Utilities > Web OPAC > Assign default User Names program has been enhanced to include new options.  Now, user names can be assigned on either a LastnameFirstName or FirstnameLastName basis. Further, the names can now be separated either by “.”, or “_”, or blank “ “.  The utility will also now support copying the patron’s Email address into the User Name field.
  • Web OPAC Patron Sign In Email.  Patrons can now have their Username and PIN emailed to them either on an individual basis or as a batch sent to the patron body at large.  Web OPAC will now only support a login with a user name; neither barcode nor Email addresses are supported as logins (unless entered as User Names)
  • IsMasterCopy - This change is available to all customers, however, it only has significance for Web OPAC sites.  One  item in a multicopy set will be designated as the Master copy. This Master is the item that supplies details to search results. The Copy# menu now has a selection labeled "Assign as Master Copy".
  • The Available Library list presented in the ISBN Retrieval Library Setup program has been tidied up; libraries that no longer function have been removed from the display. Some libraries that are active have been edited at the database level such that they work again; in prior releases, they did not.
  • The Utilities > Change Expected Back Dates program has been enhanced; operators can now automatically  extend current expected back dates for one date, or a range of expected back dates. These dates can be entered manually, or selected from a pop-up calendar. The date range option will effectively allow the addition of N days to the Expected Back all items currently on loan, and that bear Expected Back dates that fall within the data range, effectively pushing the loan period out by the number of days specified at run time.


  • The Item Label Print Utility has been fixed to allow Margin Adjustments without modifying the template.
  • Mail Out Reminder Item Detail layout has been fixed so it will not have the first title column too narrow.
  • Corrected a problem that was triggering the display of a permissions issue warning during installation, and when ResourceMate was run for the first time following installation

ResourceMate changes

Note: When run, this release of ResourceMate may advise that your computer will require the installation of the Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.6.2. Note that this is the MINIMUM required revision of the .NET Framework; Microsoft has published later versions.

Here is a link to a Microsoft web page that will permit you to download the .NET Framework revision level 4.8:

PLEASE note that this is Microsoft Windows software and that ResourceMate cannot assist either with its installation or with troubleshooting its installation. If you require that level of assistance when attempting to install a later version of the .NET Framework, you should consult with your own local IT resources.

New Features:

  • Detail Computer and Database Information available on Status popout menu;
  • New Customer Hub associated with our Team Support Ticketing System;
  • Permits the use of NFC tags to identify patrons the Check Out processes, both in ResourceMate and the Self-Circulation programs;
  • Plus version has new Update Utility for files of Barcodes - update or delete items. This permits the mass-deletion of items the barcodes of which are scanned into a text file and subsequenty loaded into the ResourceMate. It also permits the update of data in a given field in all items with barcodes contained in the text file.


  • Change Utility can now change the case for field values (upper case, only first letter upper case OR first letter in each word upper case).  This is for all Subjects, Item fields and Patron fields (for example, it can set the title of all items to upper case);
  • Patron Group is now available on the Circulation Grid for display and for listing reports;
  • Mail Out Reminders can now include Purchased Price column in the details of items checked out.


  • If our Cloud Servers are unavailable for any reason, ResourceMate will not manifest slow performance beyond its initial load;
  • The product will no longer throw an exception when users select “Open PDF Version of Manual” from the pull-down Help menu;
  • The issue that required a second scan of a Patron barcode to the Patron Activities processes following initial program launch has been corrected;
  • Batch ISBN Retrieval will now work properly;
  • The Internet Archive Open Library will no longer cause an exception when queried during ISBN retrieval;
  • Audit Trail - Item Delete will now include Date Added and Date Modified;
  • Label Templates margins can now be changed;
  • Card Templates margins can now be changed;
  • The problem that caused a program failure when viewing the Detail tab during Check In of an item from a circulation record on the Circulation Grid has been corrected.

ResourceMate changes

Released on May 21, 2019


  • Book covers images can be easily added by using the Add button menu on the Item Multimedia tab; 
  • There are two new options - one for using the Embedded Cover, the other for using the Web-Link Cover;
  • A new source for book cover images has been incorporated into the "Always get Cover Image" option. Previously, only Amazon was used for this. As a result, Amazon has been removed as a default from the Activated Libraries to be Searched on the ISBN Retrieval Library Setup program. If you really want to use Amazon as a cataloging source, you can add it back to the Activated Libraries list;
  • "Internet Archive Open Library" is a new LibraryURL source has been added and activated for ISBN Retrieval and Library Search. It is a special library that has been made available. It is not a MARC-based library and thus may have limited catalog data. It does have book cover images.


  • Getting Images from Amazon would trigger an Exception error when Amazon prevented ResourceMate from accessing their Product Information Service. No exception is now generated.
  • Link Item Multimedia entries were not being sent to Web OPAC. If you have any Web-Link records associated with your data, they will all be updated automatically.

ResourceMate changes

Released on March 21, 2019

Note:  This is a­­ maintenance release.


New Report  Found in the “Reports Gallery / Circulation History / Item Related / Most Checked Out Items”.  This new report will show counts for each Multi Copy Set based on the total circulation count.  Filters can be set on the Time Period or any other Advanced Search Criteria.

Service Checker Utility Found on the “Utilities / System Utilities” menu and titled “RM Services Checker Utility”.  This will allow viewing of the status of the various services used in ResourceMate.  Very useful when working with your IT staff to troubleshoot these services if they are being blocked due to firewall rules.


Web OPAC Synchronization Service will detect an outdated ResourceMate WCF Service version if connecting to another computer (server) where the database is located.   This is warning message that ResourceMate needs to be updated on the database server.

New configuration option for installations that operate normally without internet.  This is configured using the ResourceMate.Framework.Configuration.exe program located in the program installation folder.  There is a check box for this option found as the only selection on a new Application Settings tab in this interface. Selecting this option will require ResourceMate to be restarted0.

Startup Routines have been streamlined and improved.


Item Multimedia Web-Link entries were not being uploaded to Web OPAC. If you have any Web-Link records associated with your data, they will now all be updated automatically.

ResourceMate changes

Released on November 27, 2018.

Note:  Any update may fail and cause the ResourceMate program to not be useable.  If this is after hours or on a weekend when ResourceMate support is not available and you must have ResouceMate running for Patron Check Out and Check Ins, it is advisable to skip the update until a later time.


Remote Circulation provides the ability to record Circulation events (Check Outs, Check Ins and Renewals) without having direct access to the main ResourceMate database.  These Remote Circulation events are recorded on another (remote) computer and then their data is transferred back to the main ResourceMate computer and processed there.  Remote Circulation is a separate program that is installed onto any Windows based device.  It is recommended that a scanner is used for recording barcodes to increase accuracy and speed. 

Note:  Both your Patrons and Items must be barcoded in order to use Remote Circulation.

Amazon Access is integrated into the ResourceMate Help menu.  These are Amazon links to common pages within Amazon.  Depending on your country either or will be linked.
A new "See it on Amazon" button is available on the Item Detail tab.  This button will allow you to navigate directly to the Amazon item page and see all the information recorded there.  This includes descriptions, Editorial Reviews and other User comments as well as other related books.  You can actually purchase from by adding to the cart if you so desire.  Note: there is an Item Page Setting preference that you can show (or not) according to your wishes.
Web OPAC synchronization was not sending Amazon Images. 
[Fixed]  The Databases Upgrade process for 4.1.4 actually ensures that all Amazon images entered since November 1, 2018 are sychronized again in an effort to ensure their transmission from local ResourceMate databases to their respective Web OPAC sites..


ResourceMate® changes

Note: Any update may fail and cause the ResourceMate program to not be useable.  If this is after hours or on a weekend when ResourceMate support is not available and you must have ResouceMate running for Patron Check Out and Check Ins, it is advisable to skip the update until a later time.


  • You can now submit a support ticket from within ResourceMate itself!  Just click on the "Help" pull down menu and select "Submit A Ticket For Support or a Suggestion to Development". Once you've submitted your ticket or made your suggestion, we'll either reply via Email, or telephone you.
  • The Auto Filter Row now has the ability to change the criteria used to find record matches.  Previously, it was always "Starting with ..."
  • Ability to start a new Remote Control tool called "SplashTop SOS" that we are now using.  Note: this will require you to communicate the number generated back to us before we can connect to your computer.  Just running it will do nothing but launch the program.
  • Auto Filter Row now has easy to customize filter criteria.  Easy now to change "Starting with" to any predefined criteria.


  • Reserves are creating Item reference with full title, Resource Type and Author names.  (previously only full title and Call# was used)
  • Speed Improvements with Web OPAC Dashboard.  As well, the home page stats have been fixed moving forward.
  • Extended Circulation now has a "Do Not Show Again" checkbox in the Broken Rules Display form.  If checked, this will prevent any display of broken rules for this patron for the current Patron Activity session.


  • The Dashboard may not always show the correct Circulation Stats when first started.  Refresh would always ensure it was 100%.
  • Backups created with the Automatic Backup Add On are larger than normal manual backups.  This has been changed so that they are using the same compression rate.  Note: this is an option Add-On that is separately purchased.
  • Item Auto Filter Row would sometimes change from "Starting with" to "Containing" criteria.  If not noticed, this would cause incorrect search results of Item records.
  • Scroll bars were defaulting to a new Microsoft Style that would disappear if the mouse was not located on them.  This was changed back to the "old school" scroll bars.  If you wish to have the new scroll bars, this is now a setting in the app-settings.config that must be set.
  • Accessing Resource Type detail tab or the Utilities - Field Settings in some cases give an exception and access to those screens would not be allowed.  This was a video issue that has been fixed.
  • Reports -Print Item Labels in some cases would give an exception error when calculating "IncludeCopyNumberToCallNumberLine" script.
  • Listing Reports would sometimes give an exception when accessing the popup to display and nothing would apper.  This could also happen when accessing any Grid Popup menu via the Right Mouse click on the Grid.

The 4.1.2 version was not able to create a new Database.  There was no problem if the Database already was created (will not affect anyone just updating to this version).

ResourceMate® changes


  • Automatic Backup and Offsite Storage Add On:  New Add-On that will ensure that backups are carried out automatically and that a backup is stored monthly on our cloud servers.  This is a purchased Add-On.
  • Web OPAC Statistics is now available on the Dashboard.   This will give statistics of usage over a specific period of time.
  • Self-Circulation has button to be able to access Patron Search.
  • Main Dashboard can customize the Pie Chart from previous Resource Type only to many other fields and the number of groups to display.  As well the chart can be changed from 3D to 2D.


  • Self-Circulation: Has a new preference to enter Patron Username or Barcode without Patron Selector to display other Patrons.
  • Self-Circulation: Has a new preference to optionally verify Patron using a PIN.  Note that if this preference is set and a Patron does not have a PIN, they will not be able to Login.
  • Option to not continue seeing Expiring Support Reminders.
  • Initial Startup of ResourceMate has been streamlined so it will be faster.
  • Self Circulation is available from the Resourcemate Circulation menu.


  • Web OPAC Reserves that are Waiting were not being updated correctly.
  • Web OPAC Multiple Copy Sets may not be displayed if the copy #1 item was withdrawn or indicated that it should not be searched in OPAC.
  • Next Accession # could sometimes give an exception error.
  • Self Circulation - Renewing using Type 2 barcodes would not recognize the barcode.
  • Self Circulation display of options available after Patron Sign In process, did not show customize page title caption.lation - Renewing using Type 2 barcodes would not recognize the barcode.


ResourceMate® changes


  • Self-Circulation:  A new application for those libraries  that allow their patrons to do check out / check in and renewals using a separate simplified program.  Previously this could be accomplished within ResourceMate by setting up security and using Patron Activities.  
    Note: Currently, Items must be selected to Check Out by their Barcode (this will prevent Lite, Essential or any other version that is not barcoding items from using this program).  Please contact us if you fall into this category and still wish to use Self-Circulation.


  • Help window does not have to be closed to return to ResourceMate.


  • Web OPAC Patron Requests were being transfered down to ResourceMate for processing without PatronId fields assigned.  This left those Patron Requests impossible to process.
    F1 Help on Preferences would not display.

ResourceMate® 4.0.29 changes


  • On Startup ResourceMate will now communicate to our Cloud Services using your Serial Number to get any changes to Amazon access for ISBN Retrieval and/or to update Support Ending Date.  This will ensure Amazon access is working for ISBN Retrieval and/or to automatically update your Support End Date without having to receive a support code from us.
  • Listing Reports will now prompt for a customizable Report Title and Page Comment (Title) when generated.


  • Backup Reminders on Exit.  Reminder on leaving ResourceMate to prompt for a backup based on new preferences.
  • Listing Reports now have ability to force the row height to be fixed and not contracting.  Useful when you wish lots of space around each row.
  • Mail Out Reminder Templates now have ability to customize the Item information Font and Font characteristics outside the Designer.
  • Mail Out Reminder Templates now group Items by the actual Item Resource Type - previously it was using the Resource Type at the time it was checked out.  Only affects Items that have had it's Resource Type changed.
  • Ability to have separate user profile configurations for multiple installations of ResourceMate on the same computer for the same Windows User.
  • Patron Activities has some additional checks if [Clear All] is pressed on either Check Out or Check In/Renew tabs.
  • Patron Activities has an additional preference to display a message on the Check In/Renew tab if an item is scanned is either not checked out or checked out by another patron.
  • Patron Activities will now display a warning and sound if an item is scanned prior to a patron being selected.
  • Patron Activites will now display the associated Circulation Note for an item once it is selected in Check In/Renew tab as opposed to displaying it when the actual Check In process is carried out.  There is a preference for this to enable original behavior.
  • Framework.Configuration (Database Connection) has been reorganized (Computer Name and MSSQL Instance Name are now completely separate).
  • Framework Configuration now allows the RM Services setting tab to be saved (rather than editing the app-settings.config file directly).
  • The Database Migration Utility from Local Data to MSSQL has been changed to use the new Database Connection form.  As well it will optionally prompt for permission to change the Database connection information to the new Database Server specified in the migration process.
  • The Database Connection screen is not displayed if the database cannot be accessed if a previously successful connection had been made.  This will prevent end-users from changing the connection parameters in the event that there are some technical issues with the Database Server availablity.  A form is displayed to give information so that local IT support can better assist before ResourceMate support is contacted.
  • Web OPAC Synchronization has been optimized and fully automated on the Server Side.
  • File Menu now has an option for "Rebuild Data Indexes".  This will optimize all Database Indexes for all tables (both Local Data and Database Server (Express)).


  • Amazon access for ISBN Retrieval has been fixed.   Amazon had changed their security and this prevented previous versions from being able to access this information.
  • mport Process could stop with initial importing of items if any of the fields that was expanded in version 4.0.28 were bigger than this.
  • Listing Reports menu and modify Listing could give excepion messages that would not cause the program to stop.
  • Leaving ResourceMate running overnight would occassionally give exceptions when the default Check In and Check Out dates were refreshed.
  • Windows Permission Issues with configuration files have been addressed.  Proper warning given if there is an issue with a specific Windows User.
  • Different Serial Numbers on the same computer now have separate User Profile configuration files so that different Receipt Printers can be used for each.
  • Advanced Search would display an exception if a field of a different type was selected and there was already criteria defined to search for.
  • Editing an existing Web Link Multimedia record would display the Embedded Check Box when this was not possible to use.
  • Web Link entries with https (secured http) would not display correctly.
  • Loading Item Multimedia from local resources would sometimes give exceptions once a file was picked.
  • Textbooks Quick Add would display the [Next Barcode] button even if the preference for this for the Item form was turned off.
  • Search Panel - Specify by Field, would not strip off leading zeros for the filter and thus if you had type 2 and scanned in the barcode, it would not find it due to the leading zeros.
  • If using ISBN Retrieval for existing Items that did not have Call#s, only the option to "Overwrite any existing fields" would bring call number information when [Import] was selected..
  • Extended Restrictions related to the "Max # of Renewals" and "# of days to Wait for After Max # of Renewals" were not being checked.
  • Item Step by Step Add Wizard would sometimes not include Subjects and Multimedia if copying from an existing Item if the Goto All Data Grid button was pressed.
  • Fines were not being calculated for an item if it was being returned as part of the Pending Reserve processing (either Checked Out or changed to Waiting).


ResourceMate® 4.0.28 changes


  • Security Options for File menu - Change Password. This menu option now has security associated with it. "File - Change Password" will NOT be available to any user other than Super. If you wish users to have access to this you will have to allow this via the Utilities - Security - Security Setup.
  • Security Options for the entire View menu. These menu options now have security associated with them. These menu items will be available to any user. If you wish users to not have access to these, you will have to restrict them via the Utilities - Security - Security Setup.
  • Security Option for Patron PIN to be available in the Grid. This security option is available in the Profile Patron Form options. The PIN field is only available for eBook Patron Validation / Web OPAC Add Ons.


  • Patron Status has option to include Textbooks in list of checked out items. This is only available if Textbook feature of Extended version is used.
  • Circulation Rules for Max Number of Items has option to include Textbooks or not in this count. This is only available if Textbook feature of Extended version is used.
  • Mail Out Reminder has option to only include Circulation records that have Pending Reserves. Note: this option is not available if using Compact (Local Data) Option.
  • Listing Reports now have expanding Detail row to accomodate display of more data automatically.
  • Patron Activities will now notify the operator when the check out date is not the current date.   There will be two indicators to the operator; a text "Note" that appears on the form below the check out date and a button to switch to the current date. The operator can either click on the button or change the check out date manually if they wish to update the check out date to the current date.
  • Web OPAC Patron Request and Reseve Notification email body text was limited to 200 characters, now it is a memo field (as long as you would like it to be).
  • Ability to have ResourceMate start with defaults for User and Password (shortcut properties).
  • Advanced Search for Patrons can now search on Patron Groups for Extended version.
  • Two new Patron Activity Preferences to "Clear All after Renew" and "Clear All afer Check In".
  • New UDF fields that are lookups now default to allowing the Item/Patron form to add new values rather than forcing to only use Lookup List.
  • Export to MARC now sorts Items by Title rather than random order.
  • The Logged in Security User is displayed in the Status Bar.
  • Item fields Volume, Edition, Pages and PublishedDate are now 50 characters in length.


  • Patron Activities - Refresh Issues associated when Checking Out or In would sometimes cause exception messages.
  • If current Windows Logged In User did not have permissions to Program Data location, an exception would be given without explaination of the problem.
  • Shortcut keys available for first level menu
  • Audit Trail now keeps all field values for Deleted records.
  • Serials must have a Resource Type prior to Receiving an Issue
  • Search Panel was not working for date fields if the Windows Short Date format was DD/MM/YYYY
  • Search Panel was not working for alpha fields if including a single quote
  • Receipt Paper Height was sometimes not calculating correctly for continuous roll paper
  • Waiting Reserve email notification was not working if some preferences were blanked out
  • Default Preferences changed for Showing Patron Status automatically; Check In showing dialog for Not Checked Out Items; and always get Amazon Image
  • Textbooks was not allowing Detail tab fields to be changed and saved.
  • Report Gallery appears to be blank if the setting not to show Left Side Action Panel set.
  • In Advanced Search, changing criteria to "Is Blank" would make entire column Read Only.
  • When adding a new Patron, some tabs would display the previous patron's data and this would cause confusion.
  • Deleting a Circulation record may result in invalid Last Checked Out Item references on the Item Grid Circulation tab.
  • Patron Activities Check Out tab did not enable Expected Back prompt in the event that there is no default loan period for the Resource Type
  • Adding a Reserve was defaulting the OPAC Generated field. As well on saving, the form was closed and the user was not given the option to enter another Reserve for the same patron.
  • Import Process from Volunteers did not properly transfer User Defined Fields for Items and/or Patrons.
  • Extended Circulation Rule to Ignore Override Expected Back Date was not working.
  • Export to Volunteer (from the Main system) was not transferring Library Card Templates.
  • Patron Photo Control would on occasion cause exceptions.

ResourceMate® 4.0.27 changes


  • New Web OPAC and Automatic Data Synchronization from ResourceMate
  • New fields for Patrons associated with Web OPAC.  These fields are located on the new Login tab on the Patron form and are only available with the Web OPAC Add-On.
  • New fields for Items associated with Web OPAC.  These fields are located on the Additional tab and are only available with the Web OPAC Add-On.


  • Patron Activities - Refresh Issues associated when Checking Out or In
  • Item field - Large Print is now available in Advanced Search
  • Patron Activity now has sounds associated when scanning for Check In and Check Out
  • Import Process for Patron will now give information on # Existing and # New Patrons that will be added.  There is the ability to update existing patrons, however, there is a manual step that has to be performed to actually do the matching.
  • Preference for Next Accession # button display.   If no Accession fields or the button the group panel in the Detail tab will not display.


  • Refreshing in Patron Activities may cause an exception after processing Checked In or Out items.  If large Patron photo's were stored, this would likely cause issues with refreshing.
  • Field Settings for Items and Patrons had issues with availability of Delete, Edit and Reset buttons
  • Lookup for Author would give exception in the event that a diacritic value was encountered in the lookup data.
  • Patron Lookups for extended features did not have Calendar option, dropdown arrow or buttons associated with them.
  • eBook Patron Validation Wizard was not saving Preferences and thus the Update was not working properly.
  • Display of Patron Note and Circulation Note and misassigning to incorrect Patron
  • Advanced Search for Assign Barcodes to Items and Patrons would limit to one character entry
  • The Circulation Note for patrons would appear to be assigned for all Patrons if it was just added to a patron.
  • UDF Fields are now copied when using the option to Copy from an existing Item.
  • Deleting Circulation Records would sometimes crash.


ResourceMate® 4.0.26 changes


  • Create Web Search was not including indicator for items that were checked out
  • Receiving a Serial Issue was causing an exception.
  • An internal locking issue was causing some random Exceptions when editing items.
  • Patron Activiities had a few additional issues with refreshing after Check Out/ In.
  • Library Card Layout Preferences for Subtitle, Series and Subject Cards were not retaining their assigned default template.


ResourceMate® 4.0.25 changes


  • eBook Patron Validation Add-On.  Ability to have eBook providers validate your Patrons from our centralized server to allow them to log in and check out eBooks.
  • New fields for Patron: UserName, PIN and Block eBook.  These fields are located on the new Login tab on the Patron form.   These are only available with the eBook Patron Validation Add-On.


  • Random exceptions sometimes were occurring when checking out in Patron Activities.  Changes were made to help eliminate these.
  • The Volunteer System will now have all Item Subject Lookup entries available after updating from Main (if Lookups are checked to be included).
  • In Patron Activities Check Out and In, Item detail information in the grid will include full Call#.
  • Marc Import will now determine if Author related information is really illustrator and store that in the Illustrator field and not the next Author field.  Note: Illustrator data will end with " ill."
  • Item Circulation Notes will be displayed whenever that item is checked in, not just from Patron Activities form.
  • Inventory Barcodes will have leading "T " removed in case of organizations that have converted from Follet systems.  Spaces will only be trimmed from front and end not in between (this will leave shelf indicators intact for ease of reading).
  • Clear after Check Out now works for both Multiple Item and Single Item Check Out.  Previously it only worked with Multiple Item checkout.
  • Mail Out Reminders now have an option to also send a copy of each reminder to another email account.  This would be used ifyou wished to keep a copy of each email reminder sent for administrative purposes.


  • Some configuration files if corrupted would trigger an exception dialog and would prevent ResourceMate from continuing.  This would also occur in the event that the Windows logged on user account did not have correct read/write permissions.
  • In the Subject Lookup, after typing and locating an entry, pressing the Enter key would not select it.  Must click on it with the mouse to select it.
  • The Subject Lookup would not contain newly added subjects until ResourceMate was restarted.
  • In Library Retrieval after pressing the Import button, an existing Replacement Value would be overwritten with a blank value.
  • In Import Process - The Copy Information to Library process did not check for duplicate Barcodes for patrons.
  • In Library Search using Amazon as the source library, the Sort By option was not displaying any options.


ResourceMate® 4.0.24 changes


  • RDA information can be stored for both Resource Types and for Items.  The Resource Type option will allow that RDA information to be defaulted for all items of that Resource Type.  This will prevent having to define all related individual items the same RDA information.  Default RDA values will be created for the default Resource Types (Resource Type records that you have added may not have defaults created).  The Export to Marc process will now include the Resource Type and/or Item RDA information.


  • Web Links that were being processed for ISBN Retrieval are now being processed the same when using Import Process: Import from Marc.  As well, when processing  856 Weblinks, if there is an Ebook link, this link will be brought into the Website field as well.  Note: An Ebook link does not have a descriptor for the link within the source Marc line.
  • In Patron Search OPAC, the Availability information for an item on the detail tab,  takes into account if the item cannot be checked out (ie The item's Status / Category is defined as cannot Check Out).  This information is also displayed for the Item on the Circulation tab.
  • Preferences have a new Circulation Settings tab that displays Circulation preferences that were previously on the General Settings.
  • Check In form now has new preference that if an item is scanned and it is not currently checked out, the message dialog will not display.  This is different than the previous behavior.  This preference can be checked to allow the display of the message if required.
  • Check In form does not have the preferences for Barcode and Multiple Item Check In directly on the form.  They have been removed and are on the Preferences - Check In Settings tab.
  • Patron form has preferences for Plus users to not display Photo or Family if you are not using those features.  These preferences are on the Preference General tab.
  • Patron Search Detail tab will now display the reformatted Title and reformatted Authors based on the preferences to reformat either.  (The, A, An ... switched to the front and Author Last / First name switch).
  • Added a new Year End Inventory Report for Missing Item by Call Number.
  • For Labels and Cards, the Printed date can now be set by pressing the Print button and cancelling the print job.  Previously it was not set if  the print job was cancelled.  Note: the Print Labels or Print Cards must be used for this, if using the Print icon in the Report Viewer, cancelling will not do anything.
  • Reports Gallery now has section for Reserves.  Intial Reserve report will be able to list Reserves by Patron sorted by Status Date.
  • Copy Information to Library wizard has Help button.
  • New Report Template for Letter Portrait orientation with repeating Report Title on each page.
  • Backup Compression Step should be faster for both Local Data and Database Server.


  • Patron Activities was experiencing a program freeze on occasion when Items were being Checked Out.  This only occurred in some specific instances.  The cause of this has been determined and this error should not occur again.  Similar for Check In Only form.
  • Export to Volunteer would not export all the associated Lookup List records except All Authors.
  • If using ISBN Retrieval for existing items and allowing Item Multimedia to be updated, there could be duplicate Amazon images added with a For Report flag set.  Now if there is already an Amazon image this will not occur.
  • Using Google SMTP for User Definded SMTP would always default the port to 465 even if it was defined differently.  Now Google actually uses port 587 according to their documentation.  Whatever port is entered is now actually used.
  • The Patron Circulation tab grid and the Patron Activities - Circulation History tabs are now the exact same (if layout changed, both locations reflect this change).
  • The Patron form Detail Tab would sometimes shrink the Address1 field if City and Province fields or the Country Postal/Zip fields were hidden.
  • The Import Process: Copy Information to Library could crash if there was a large number of Items to copy.  This process has been optimized to work faster.
  • When adding a new item using ISBN Retrieval, if using [Enter] instead of clicking on the [ISBN Retrieval] button, there was a chance that the keyed in ISBN could be changed if results were located and the [Import] button was pressed.
  • Year End Inventory Reports for Missing Items have been modified to sort properly based on Resource Type Name and then Title information.
  • Export to Marc required two (2) spaces for indicator location in the exported data.
  • Import Process - Update Resource Types process had a problem if the Resource Type Name had single quotes.
  • Adding a new Listing Report for Fine and Payments would give an exception and not allow the process to continue.
  • Multicopy Matches were not taking into consideration Subtitle, Series and Volume for possible matches.  Also fixed for the automatic check for Import Process: Copy Information to Library.
  • Change Utility was displaying the entire All Author Lookup if the individual Author fields (Author, Author2, Author3, Illustrator and Editor) were selected.  Now only the values in the specific field will be displayed.  The refreshing of the lookups after completion is carried out as well now.
  • In the case of Item Barcodes, if the Resource Type had it defined as Not Required and the Field Settings had it as required, the system would make it required.  This has been fixed to use the Resource Type as the override (like all other fields).
  • History tab is always available.  The Audit Trail grid that tracks all changes for that record, is only enabled if running the Extended or Premium versions.
  • Preferences for Patron Activities: Check Out - Latest Expected Back Date: if changed, the Save button was not displaying unless another preference was changed as well.
  • Loading Year End Inventory could create a blank barcode if a blank line was in the barcode file.  As well if the barcode file was created using a Mac, extra /n (new line) characters are now removed to properly store barcodes.
  • In Patron Activities and Check In: the patron photo would be displayed to the far right.
  • For Extended Versions using the Text Book feature, on Items or for Reports, using the Include/Exclude/Textbook Only options would cause an exception and the Report would not display.
  • In Volunteer - Update from Main process, sometimes duplicate Library Label templates would be created.
  • Clearing a Field Setting on the Resource Type level would also clear the System Settings for that field.  Now only the Resource Type level is cleared.
  • Help button for Lost Item Processing now works.
  • Waiting Reserve Receipt - Title was same as Check Out Receipts
  • Mail Out Reminders in MultiLanguage -other than English,  the column layout did not change captions for Check Out and Expected Back dates.

ResourceMate® 4.0.23 changes


  • Scholastic Reading Counts fields have been added to the Reading Program tab.  These fields are specifically for Reading Counts information.
  • Patron Search OPAC has an option to allow searching for Scholastic Reading Counts information on the Reading Program Search page. As well there is a preference to display this information on the Detail Results tab.
  • Reading Program tab now has a new check box field for Recorded Voice.
  • ResourceMate Reading Program Service will now retrieve Scholastic Reading Counts data as well as Accelerated Reader Recorded Voice.  This service is available only with Extended and Premium versions with active support.
  • Blocked Check Out Reason: New Patron field associated with Circulation Check Out Rules.  Any reason can be specified and this will alert operators that there is an issue with that specific patron.   This is available only with Extended and Premium versions.


  • In the Report Gallery, all Circulation History Reports have ability to filter by a Date Range.  Moving to a different report, the Date range was reset and forced the user to re-enter it if that same Date Range was to be used by the newly selected report.  Now, the Date range is retained and applied to all Circulation History reports.
  • Associated with printing Receipts, there is new Patron Activities preference to "Show All for Family Contact".  This preference will allow all items checked out by all family members to be printed for the family contact.  Other family members will only have their own checked out items on the receipt printed for them.
  • When new Grid Listing Reports are added, the default will be to create a brand new layout rather than copying from an existing Listing Report.  This will result in the current grid layout columns (first 8) to be defaulted in the new Grid Listing using the column headings from the grid.
  • Grid Column Chooser (for Grids and Grid Listing Reports) now has search ability to quickly find columns.
  • Publisher information entered in RDA Marc tags 264 are now imported into the publisher fields.
  • Exporting Marc data will now format Publisher information into the new 264 RDA indicator.
  • Label Item Listings now have ability to include any Item field for the purpose of printing to help with Spine Labels.
  • Patron Search OPAC will now display that an item is currently "Waiting to be picked up" if this is the Reserve Status rather than "Available".


  • Patron Activities screen may give an exception message if Patron information was changed while processing that specific patron.
  • Create Web Search File will now export Author information using the Reformat preference (switch from Last, First format to First Last).
  • Is Required Field Setting for specific Resource Type was not working.
  • Patron Circulation and Fines and Payments grids have been changed to default to displaying the most recent transactions in descending order.  Previously these had AutoWidth set to true so there was no scrolling.  To use the new default the Grid Layout must be reset to default.
  • Check In form would allow user to click on the Patron information (by mistake) in the grid of items already scanned and this would not allow the program to continue.  A red X would be displayed by the Patron Name in the column.
  • Grid Listing Reports if Grouped by would not display the correct caption if not the standard caption.  To fix existing Listings they must be modified and saved.
  • Change Utility was not working with Date fields.
  • Patron Fine Balance is available for Patron Grid Listing Reports and will properly format to Currency display.
  • If adding a new item, the ISBN prompt on the Detail and Library Card tabs were not in synch.  If the ISBN was entered in the Detail tab, the other ISBN prompt would appear empty.
  • On the Check In Only form, the preference for using Multiple Item Check In was not being displayed properly if it was set to false.
  • Import from Marc would not bring in Section if specified in 852 or other field.  It was always overwritten with Call # preferences.
  • Logic changes for Serials regarding "Is Overdue" and "Is about to Expire" when the next issue is not actually going to be received (subscription has ended).
  • Patron Search OPAC - sorting by All Authors was not working.


ResourceMate® 4.0.22 changes (.21 was skipped)


  • Reading Program Service (Scholastic Counts and Accelerated Reader(TM):  Extended and Premium versions now are able to automatically update this information when adding Items.  There is a batch update process available for existing Items.  Matches are done via ISBN.  Requires Active Support with Extended or Premium version of ResourceMate.
  • Patron Search OPAC has a Reading Program Search page option. As well there is an option to show Reading Program Information.  There are OPAC preferences to display these.
  • ISBN Retrieval will search Accelerated Reader data for basic catalog information in the event that the current list of Libraries does not return a match. If found the information will be displayed in the normal Library Search form.  Requires Active Support with Extended or Premium version of ResourceMate.


  • New Field available for Receipts and Patron Grid Listings - Fine Balance.  This is the total balance for Fines and Payments.  Useful for indicating this on Receipts.  Note: this is total of actual fines and payments - it is not a total of the currently checked out items that are overdue.
  • Patron Activity has new preference to allow the clearing of Patron information after the [Check Out these Items] button has been pressed.
  • Extended Rules for Max # of Checked Out Items does not include Textbooks in the count.  Note: Other rules for Max # days overdue do include Textbooks.


  • ISBN Retrieval when used for existing items caused exception when the Import button was pressed.
  • ISBN Retrieval / Library Search settings will be remembered and not reset each time.
  • Extended version fine calculation for holidays was not correct if returning the item on the actual holiday.  Fine was off one additional day.
  • Export to MARC was not formatting the LDR correctly.  This was especially a problem when exporting to Binary Format.
  • Export to MARC was always exporting out 245 b for Subtitle (even if blank) - now will only export this tag if there is a value.
  • Export to MARC was always exporting Accession # and Replacement Value fields even if they did not have a value (0).  Zero values are not exported now.
  • Import from MARC was always skipping the last line in both MARC Analyzer and the actual Import Process.
  • Change Utility with Step 3, specifying embedded single quotes as part of data was not working.
  • Patron Activities would display an item's Circulation Note (if defined) twice if the Barcode for that item was scanned.
  • Patron Activities would not redisplay the checked out item if the same same patron was selected again immediately after the Patron was cleared.
  • Patron Search OPAC was always displaying Book Bin even if preference was unchecked.
  • Graduate Students Utility was displaying blank rows in the Lookups.


ResourceMate® 4.0.20 changes


  • Ability to email Receipts in Patron Activities.  There are now options for Print Only, Email Only and Both.


  • Reserves now have a check box field: From OPAC [ ].  This will be used to indicate Reserves that were originated via emails from the Web Search or outside ResourceMate. This can be filtered and displayed on the Grid.
  • Startup speed for Dashboard charts has been optimized.  
  • Resource Type Field Settings has ability to Reset to default values.  This button is available on the Edit form itself.
  • Check for Pending Reserves form does not update the Preference if the user changes the Check Out or Change Status option.  If user wishes to save these changes then they will have to do this from the Preference form.


  • Issue with blank Detail page after pressing Import from ISBN Retrieval.  This would always happen if the Resource type was changed prior to doing the ISBN Retrieval.
  • History tab is not visible unless Extended Versions.  Available now for all versions (Audit Trail information is only tracked if Extended version however).
  • Patron screen for Essential and Lite versions had detail tab with squished Student# and Birthdate.
  • Batch ISBN Retrieval was not removing dashes for ISBN like ISBN Retrieval does and some matches were missed as a result.
  • Lite and Essential Versions - Circulation Tab was not visible.  It will only show Circulation information if currently checked out.
  • Twain Scanners for Adding Multimedia to an item did not work properly (it was not enabled if a scanner was installed).
  • Marc Export for 005 field was not formatting the month correctly.  It now includes the time (previously the time was not exported).      =005 20140326114648.0
  • The Advanced Search for Fine and Payments Reports in the Report Gallery would give exception error.
  • Print Item Labels may not allow access to it  (Multi-Language AddOn issue with sort order).
  • Resource Type Fields Settings for Hidden would affect the display of the Item Grid (would hide that column) however it would not turn back on.   Resource Type field settings should not be involved with the Item Grid.  Hidden fields will have to be added back if you wish them to be in the grid.
  • Resource Type Fields Settings for User Defined Fields not handled correctly.  Atrributes not recognized (hidden for example).  As well, the Edit form for UDF field did not display for editing.
  • Grid Layout Options form was not displaying the correct Label for the corresponding option.  The description at the bottom was still correct.
  • In Report Templates, the use of Is Default button was causing Save / Cancel to erroneously appear. 
  • Multi-Languages AddOn: In Patron Activities the grids for Reserves and Fine and Payment tabs did not have translations for all columns.


ResourceMate® 4.0.19 changes


  • Form Level Security Available for Plus versions.
  • Multi-Language AddOn Available (If you have purchased this AddOn, you can check under the main menu for View - Language.  If this is not available you can contact the office for a new Product Code).
  • Over 25 new ISBN Retrieval Libraries as well as corrections for some that have been changed.


  • Waiting Reserve Receipts can be printed.
  • Startup Alert Warnings for Serials that are late being received or have a subscription that is about to expire.
  • Report Gallery has new Serials reports for those that are Overdue and those subscriptions that are about to expire.
  • Report Gallery has new Circulation History Reports - Items  that have not been checked out and Patrons that have not checked out any items.
  • Two (2) new Avery 5160 Spine Only label templates (these must be physically cut with scissors).
  • Checking out an Item that had a Pending Reserve would not change the status to Complete but would Cancel it.  This status is now updated correctly.  In the event of more than one historical Reserve for the same patron, all other ones would be cancelled.
  • Reserve Grid now defaults to show Pending and Waiting.  Previously all Reserves were displayed.
  • Dashboard does not show Patron Group chart if not Extended version.
  • Check In form has Clear All button moved to separate it from the Check In these Item(s) button to help avoid mistakes.
  • For Multimedia records, one entry had to be flagged as "for Report", using the Printer icon. This has been changed to allow for the flexibility of having none flagged.  Note: Only the multimedia that is flagged as "for Report" will be exported through the Create Web Search File utility.  If none are flagged as being "for Report" then none will be exported.
  • Database Server backups can be restored on a server with a different name.


  • Item Subject Reference in the Grid could be incorrect in the event that the item was changed in the grid using Modify Mode.  If there is any doubt you can run Utilities - System Utilities - Rebuild Item Subject Reference to ensure this data is 100%.
  • Check Pending Reserves form did not synch up the preference for how to process and the actual displayed options in some cases.
  • Circulation Grid - Detail tab would display an Exception due to error creating the Item Detail Popup when the mouse was over the Item Information area if Accession # information was included for that specific item.
  • Lost Item Process would display an Exception if Accession # information was included for that specific item.
  • Volunteer System Caption did not say "Volunteer Entry".
  • Deleting a Circulation record that is currently checked out would give an exception.
  • Importing from RM3.0, Serial Frequency would be unassigned.  If you have already imported from RM3.0 and your Serials do not have Frequency assigned, you will have to manually reassign them.
  • Deleting an item that is in current Label or Card Set would give error in corresponding Print function processing (error since item did not exist any longer).  Now this will not happen with deleted items.
  • Create Web Search File may have had an exception and not create the Web Search file in the event that some item PatronSearch records for KEYWORDS were missing.
  • Serial - Date Identifier was not defaulted correctly for Bi-Monthly serials.
  • Lost Item Processing could not enter new Status could only pick from the list.
  • Patron Search (OPAC) the website field display is now a clickable link.
  • Patron Search (OPAC) What's New would not work without criteria entered
  • Patron Search (OPAC) What's New button would always show even if preference was unchecked.
  • Adding a multicopy Item that had Subjects - if clicking on the Subject tab, nothing would be displayed.  Any subject added would be extra subjects to those that may already exist.
  • In Serials - Receive Issue, if jumping to the Item that was just created, the Grid would not be refreshed with the new item.  Thedetail tab itself was showing the correct item.


ResourceMate® 4.0.18 changes


  • Patron OPAC will use any See / See Also Cards defined in ResourceMate to return matches for Items.
  • Patron Activities - if no patron is selected and a checked out item is scanned: the patron is loaded and the Check In/Renew tab is selected with the item scanned already checked.
  • ISBN Retrieval will now auto detect Fiction items and assign Call Numbers based on the Fiction preferences.  An item is detected to be Fiction if the Dewey contains [Fic] or [E]; or if the Library of Congress starts with a PZ or PE.
  • New Item fields:  Lexile Code and Score for Lexile Measure.


  • Patron Activities now has preference for disabling Patron and/or Item Lookups (only if Barcode Entry is enabled).   This will force users to scan the barcode of the patron and/or items to be checked out.  Note: Check In form uses the same item preference.
  • Patron Activities has better handling of prompts when not using Barcode Entry or Non-Plus versions.
  • Patron Activities has new preference for Auto-Selecting Item using drop down selector.  This is available in both Multi-Item and Single Item modes.   Note: Previously there was no option and if not using Barcode Entry it would auto-select.
  • Patron Activities Check Out will now check for Reserves that may be in conflict with the check out period for the item being checked out.  Operator will not be able to check out if the Reserve has a status of "Waiting". They will have options and will have to make a decision regarding any "Pending" Reserves that may exist.  This is similar form used in Check In when "Pending" Reserves exist. 
  • Patron Activities Check In/Renew tab has a [Clear All] button.
  • Report Gallery has separate grouping for Patron Labels.  New Label and Card formats for Patrons.
  • Report Gallery allows new reports via [Make a Copy] button.
  • OPAC Results can include UDF field.
  • Receipts now can print Current Fine if required.
  • Circulation Grid Listing now have Current Fine available to display.  Not available in the Circulation Grid itself due to slow performance.
  • Custom Sort Order for Item Labels/Cards generation as well as Assign Barcode Utility.
  • Audit Trail grid/detail is now available for Extended and Premium versions.
  • Audit Trail History tab (Item/Patron/etc)have [Change back to...]  button available.  Changes any field value back to previous value.
  • Multimedia web links do not have to have user type in http://.  Existing links without it will now also be displayed correctly.
  • Add Reserves now has ability to have mulitple dates for the same patron and item.  When called from the Reserves Grid, the Add Reserve form will repeat and retain the Patron and Dates so that only a new item has to be selected if the user wishes to add more Reserves.
  • Export to Volunteer and Create Web Search now have the same Folder Dialog characteristics (Desktop is now available).
  • If security is active, the login window would appear to be active to type into, however, in some cases it was not.  The user had to click on it first to gain focus.  It can be minimize now as well. (not completely working with Windows 7).
  • In Extended and Premium, Patron Group prompt for Patrons now has the following buttons:  Lookup, Clear and Goto Patron Group form.
  • Change Utility can now be used for changing Subjects.  Deleting Subjects is not an option for Subjects, only changing their value.  Individual Subjects that require deletion would still require editing the Item and deleting the individual subject.
  • Framework Configuration form for Database connection has a Save and Cancel form - previously just a Close button and saves would always occur.
  • Import Process for Patrons using the Update option; all fields were being updated from the import even if they were blank.  Now, existing Patron data can not be blanked out.
  • Organize Listing Report now has option to sort the order that they appear in the Generate popup.


  • Initial highlighted record in Circulation grid is now at the top.  Same for Patron - Circulation and Fine/Payments tabs.
  • Barcode Entry for Check In was not removing Alpha characters if Type 2.  This was only a problem for Follet users that have removed T0000 prefix ... but the barcodes have them.
  • OPAC: Searching User Defined Fields or some other fields did not work in Multi-prompt Search.
  • Creating Libary Cards using Advanced Search option had to have Author, Author2 or Author3 cards with a value greater than 0, otherwise Cards were not generated.
  • With Security active, Textbooks were always being displayed even if it was made to be unavailable for that user.
  • Mail Out Reminders To and From Date fields can now be cleared using delete.  Previously the Calendar clear button had to be used to clear then otherwise they would default to 01/01/0001.
  • Exporting to csv format was outputting spaces and not trimming.
  • If using Security, upon logging out of an existing user, Patron Search would give exception if accessed by the next user.
  • Change Utility for Patron Group did not display the Group names - instead just the internal GUID for that 
  • ISBN Retrieval: Barcode / Accession Number Information was being imported.  This is the source library information and it should be ignored.
  • Field Settings: If Barcode was a required field, it would not prompt if missing.  The required check was ignored.
  • For Extended Version if the preference was set to not Show Textbook Feature, the Search Panel for items did not work correctly.
  • Import Process - MARC source was not recording the correct Record# for multiple copies associated with 852 tags (all copies should have the same Record#).
  • MARC Processing was converting {dollar} to $ and really should have been converting to a blank space.
  • Next Barcode for Patrons was not returning the correct next Patron Barcode for Type1.
  • Import Process from Volunteer - Copy Information to Library could cause errors associated with ItemMultimedia for some data from Library of Congress related to LinkFileExtention being truncated.
  • Export to MARC using the option to export Original MARC Data did not work properly.
  • Renew and Check In forms would show Cancelled Reserves - only Pending should be displayed.
  • Audit Trial will now store all field data for Item/Patron/Resource Type records that are deleted.  Previously only the basic information was stored.


ResourceMate® 4.0.17 changes


  • Textbook Feature is available for ResourceMate Extended and Premium versions.  To learn about this feature, access Textbooks from the menu or tool bar and press the [How Do I] button for online help.


  • Field Settings - the order of fields now is the same for field lookups and for the display in User Defined tab.
  • Add Multimedia has ability to use Windows clipboard for an embedded image.  This allows images to be accessed from many other sources other than saved files.  Only graphic clipboard content is accepted.
  • Search Panel - if scanning a Type 2 barcode, leading zeros will now be stripped out.  This will also happen if scanning directly in the barcode column of the Auto Filter Row.
  • Online Help has been improved.
  • Sorting by Barcode in Grids and Grid Listings will now use the numerical value to sort rather than alpha sorting.
  • Full Call Number is available in Item Grid Listing Reports.  The special sort is not yet implemented.
  • New Preference to Show [Next Barcode] for Item and Patron forms.
  • Patron Activities screen requires no mouse clicks to return to Patron selector after a Check Out is performed.


  • Assign Barcode Number for Existing Items - if Type 1, barcodes were not assigned correctly. Another issue, if nothing was defined for Starting Barcode, 0 was used and there could be repeating Barcodes for those barcodes.
  • Patron Activities - If a Resource Type was selected, the Item lookups now retains the settings after clicking [Check Out these Items] . Previously the display was being reset to include all Resource Types.
  • OPAC Configuration did not have Single Prompt Search tab available.
  • OPAC Configuration preferences for Show Report, Show Print, Show Export and Show Email all work correctly.
  • Receipt Template would have multiple Default Templates when new ones were added.  The Delete button is now enabled for those templates that can be deleted.
  • The item selector in Patron Activities would not remember the specific Resource Type if it was set and would display all items after checking out.  It does now.
  • Item Grid Search Panel did not respond to Search and has been fixed.


ResourceMate® 4.0.16 changes


  • Create Web Search has ability to automatically transfer the Library file and possibly images directly to the Web Server.
  • Create Web Search can include Watermarks for images being exported.
  • Patron Activities: Special Handling for Checking Out items that are still currently checked out.  Operator will have immediate ability to check in and then proceed with the current check out.
  • Reports Gallery: Item and Patron Reports including Patron Labels.  Reports Gallery is also included in the Tool Bar.


  • Reports Gallery has ability to Modify Reports
  • The Create Web Search - Can Not Search option is fully implemented.
  • Patron Activities: Preferences for Showing various tabs - as well Preferences has Patron Activies Preferences.
  • Patron Activities: Override Expected Back Date to allow operators to force a default date for all check outs.
  • Patron Activities: After Checking In items, the automatic display of the Payment form now works with the preference.
  • Patron Activities: New Preference for Latest Expected Back Date.  This will be a preference that will allow all calculated Expected Back Dates to be compared to this value. Renewals will use this preference as well. (Extended and Premium versions only)
  • Patron Activities: Scans of invalid barcodes (not patron or item) will display message and then highlight the scanned barcode to be able to see it.  Since it is highlighted the user can immedately rescan without having to do anything with the mouse.
  • Subject and Multimedia are now merged for items that are added for Multicopy sets.
  • ISBN Retrieval now uses all the MARC fields for assigning data.  Previously, some fields may not have been assigned (Uniform Title for example).
  • Utility to switch Title Words to the End or Start based on a list of words that can be customized (Switching The, An, A from the start to the end of the title for example)
  • Circulations Grid now has the ablity to Delete Circulation records and Edit Dates for Checked Out Circulation.  There are Preferences for these.
  • Check In feature from Circulations grid and Patrons or Items grid - now uses a form that allows the Check In Date to be specified.  Previously it was just using the current system date.
  • OPAC: Availability (Expected Back Date) has preference to display or not.
  • OPAC: Keyword Search has been changed and now these  preferences are available in the OPAC Preferences.  There will be more detailed instructions when starting ResourceMate for the first time after updating.
  • On startup, if Support is running out there will be a notification with the ability to view/order Support options on the ResourceMate website.


  • Backup for local data would sometimes display 75% progress bar and be completed - this was confusing.
  • Advanced Search was not working for Subjects Starting with option.
  • If Patron Privacy was set to clear on check in, fines would not be created for overdue items when checked in.  (Patron Privacy is a feature in the Extended and Premium versions)
  • Field Settings changing the field order with Up and Down Arrows was not saving.  
  • OPAC will not include Items that belong to a Resource Type that has Do not show in OPAC checked.
  • OPAC Grid Listing Reports now display Library Name
  • OPAC About ResourceMate form displays correct version information.


ResourceMate® 4.0.15 changes


  • No new features unless updating from version 4.0.13 or below. See below for .14 changes.


  • Patron Search OPAC will now exclude items in search results that have any lookup value that is defined as Can Not Search.


  • Change Utility - All Authors: would update items that had a match with the Author value to change, however, all the author fields for those items would be changed rather than just the ones that had the matching value.
  • Lost Item Processing - If a fine / replacement cost / payment were specified they would not be applied.  An exception error would appear.
  • Serials - Receiving Issue, may not update the Received Issues History.
  • Import Processing - Copy Information to Library, if a data issue like duplicate barcodes was discovered, the log would not be updated.  An exception error would appear.
  • Reserves on Check Ins, if the Reserve was to be immediately checked out an exception would occur.
  • ISBN Retrieval / Library Search may close down ResourceMate on some Library Searches.\


ResourceMate® 4.0.14 changes

This is a scheduled update to ResourceMate.  This includes updates to the ISBN Retrieval Libraries as well.


  • A number of Reports Gallery reports that could not be produced as grid listings are now available. More reports as well as the Report Designer coming in the next update.


  • Libraries for ISBN Retrieval will now import Unicode if they catalog items in Unicode.
  • Extended Circulation has Patron Privacy Preferences and Utilities (Extended and Premium versions only).
  • Search Panel now will allow Enter key to activate Search - clicking with mouse is no longer required.
  • Change Circulation Expected Back Date Utility - allows changes to expected back dates for items that are still checked out.  Useful when the library has been closed unexpectantly.  Any items that are due on that day will be considered late when they are returned on the next day. School Snow Days would be an example of this.
  • Create Web Search now exports UDF fields and blank dates will not display 01/01/0001 12:00:00.


  • Item Step by Step did not add Subjects when adding a "Not a Multiple Copy" of an Item.
  • IShare (CARLI) Consortium Libraries now work in ISBN Retrieval.
  • Action Panel Search if included ' (single quote) would not return results.
  • Change Utility will now allow you to blank out values.
  • OPAC - What's New search displays items.
  • Patron Activities - During Check Out Exception Condition occurred that may cause duplicate Circulation.  If you have more than one Circulation record without Check In Dates for the same Item, contact us via Live Chat and we can fix this.


ResourceMate® 4.0.13 changes


  • Library Cards - Templates and Printing Process


  • Import Process now alllows for Item and Patron UDF fields to be mapped to and imported.
  • When using security, login form will not be hidden and will appear on the task bar with ResourceMate icon.
  • Ability to customize Body of Card, Bibliography and Shelf Card Info output with Preferences.
  • Print Switches available for Advanced Search and Change Utility.
  • Receipt printing is available on Patron screen (Action panel).


  • Log in screen would cause exception if an incorrect user was entered.
  • Body of Card, Bibliography and Shelf Card Info calculating correctly.
  • Data Converter had some Label wrapping issues.
  • New Import Process had some Label wrapping issues.
  • Dewey Segmenation Parsing ... in case of 823/.92 ... wish to be parsed like 823.92 rather than 823 / .92
  • Type 3 barcodes and Patrons - if option not to remove leading zeros is set, it would still remove them.  Now leading zeros will remain.

ResourceMate® 4.0.12 changes


  • Pamphlet Inventory and reports now implemented.
  • Year End Inventory reports now implemented.
  • Reserves - Notification emails for Waiting Reserves now implemented.


  • Extended Circulation checks for adding Items to check out.
  • Extended Circulation Holiday form and Days not to Calculate Fines for.
  • Lookups now are automatically dropped down when typing.
  • OPAC has reports and some additional customization for Single Prompt buttons.


  • ISBN Retrieval is more robust due to internet and library connection issues.
  • Item Label Sets option for Show Accession # and Show Replacement Value was not quite right (Replacement Value would show for Signout label if Show Accession # was clicked) - Fixed
  • Modifications to Mail Out Reminder, Item Labels and Barcode Labels cause improper printing.
  • Item Subject - Blank value saving.
  • Handling of Type 3 barcodes for Patrons and Patron Activity.
  • ISBN Retrieval - when editing an existing item not all the options to update fields were working correctly.
  • Next Accession Number does not appear to work if you key in Accession Letter and then immediately press [Next Accession #]
  • Reserves could not be added from the Reserve Grid/Form.
  • Reserves are properly updated after Check Out.
  • OPAC - What's New

ResourceMate® 4.0.11 changes


  • Database Server Backup is now implemented


  • Ability to customize the default Patron and item lookup lists
  • ImportProcess can edit/delete items and subjects before the [Copy Information to Library] process
  • Email Validation for Patron Grid/Form and for Mail Out Reminders prior to sending
  • If there are both Field Level and Resource Type Level defaults, the ResourceType Level defaults will override the Field Level.  There will be no message displayed anymore.
  • Export to Volunteer - Lookup Lists will have all values from Main System to select from.
  • Scanable barcodes images available in Grid Listing Reports (Patrons and Items)
  • Grid Listing now have Total # records as well as optional Grouping and Page Breaks


  • Accession Number max value was 99,999,999 - Fixed
  • Receive Serial now works in the event that an actual Item is not created.
  • Change for temporary files for Multimedia to prevent "Access denied" and excessive diskspace usage
  • Barcode entry does not have complicated mask.
  • Various bug fixes

ResourceMate® 4.0.10 changes


  • Mail Out Reminders are now available.
  • Security is now available (menu level access only)
  • Spell Check is now available.
  • Utility to Assign Barcodes to Items/Patrons


  • Various menu display options have been updated.
    Web Search file creation has been changed to match the original file specifications. 
  • Note: If you have been using the library.txt file from the new ResourceMate, you will have to modify the configuration to match this format change.   Any concerns or questions, please call the office.


  • Various bug fixes
  • There still exists a problem with backing up Database Server installations.  Short term solution is to get onto Live chat from the server computer and we will assist you getting a backup.  This issue will be solved soon.

   Consult this document for a complete cross reference of update files to Build numbers.